Tuesday 15 June 2010

Buble Pulls Out

It is with deep regret that I must reveal some tragic news. Owing to an incident involving a jar of mayonnaise, a clothes peg and a Land Rover Discovery, Sharp’s Marketing Manager and Michael BublĂ© impersonator James Nicholls will no longer be appearing at Beers of the World Live. The following beers are confirmed to be included in the show line up. I hope that this makes good everyone's loss in some way.

1. Chalky’s Bite (warm up beer)
2. Hopfen Weisse
3. Heston's Offal Ale
4. Citrus Tripel
5. 50 Hop double IPA
6. Chechen 25 grain Imperial Stout

The “52 Brews Show” starts at 15:30hrs on Friday after the Punch and Judy show. If you are planning to attend the tasting please do not drive as 150ml samples of the above-listed beers will put you way over the drink drive limit.


Unknown said...

I'm minded to ask for a refund on my ticket. Even though I haven't bought one.

Stuart Howe said...

This is what you get for working with crooners.

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