Thursday 7 October 2010

DW in the Shop

So very much excitement, so very much to do, no time to blog about it.

The important news is that DW is available. Click here if you would like to buy some. All proceeds of the sale which don’t go to the courier company, the wonderful people at Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise and the kind and worthy VAT man will go to Cornwall Hospice Care.

ATJ loved it, Jean-Marie Rock loved it but most importantly Dave Wickett Loved it.


Crown Brewery said...

Me Too!

Anonymous said...
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BeerReviewsAndy said...

Ordered placed, can't wait to try it, hope it makes lots of £££ for such a worthy cause!

ChrisM said...

I've just ordered a bottle, very much looking forward to it arriving. Stuart, do you recommend drinking it fairly soon or cellaring it for a while first?

Stuart Howe said...

Glad to hear it Chris,

Personally I like my beer fresh so I would drink it as soon as it has settled. DW should age well for a year or so. Please take care when opening the bottle as the undercorks can be a bit volatile.

BeerReviewsAndy said...

Arrived safe and sound, it looks awesome!!! cant wait to get stuck in, my dad better appreciate his bottle!

Stuart Howe said...

Hope you like it Andy. Melissa Cole and Sue Novak had some last night and loved it.

Anonymous said...

melissa who? only kidding ;op

glad it's going down well, i've just seen melissa's tweets aboutt he offal's nearly persauded me to get it cracked open!!

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