Tuesday 18 January 2011


To put an end to your clamour, lack of sleep and general stress I can now announce the big plan for Project 2011. The guesses below are as raconteur, Roy Walker would put it, “good but not right.”

This year instead of 52 brews in 52 weeks I am aiming to brew at 12 breweries in 12 months.

I have a few already confirmed and so far the breweries I am quietly confident of brewing with are:

Brew Warf
Castle Rock
Hepworth’s / Ridgeway

Others which I would like to work with I won’t be so bold as to list before I contact them. If you are a brewer or you know a brewer who you think would like a big ugly bloke shouting a lot in your/their brewery for the day please let me know. If you have a suggestion for someone to approach please also leave a comment. I will be constrained by geography although I am quietly confident of brewing with at least 1 non UK brewer.

Some of the brews will be collaborations and some will just involve me pitching in with the day to day stuff. What I am aiming to get is a feel for the brewery so I can write about the experience and the place here on my blog.

I suspect that I will not be able to brew every month. I may have to brew more at the start and end of the year so as to avoid being away from the brewery during the madness of the summer. One of the brews may involve a cage fight.


Unknown said...

'Cage Fight' would be an excellent name for a strong ale.

Suitably distressing for those delicate media types.

Good luck with the year!

Barry M said...
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Barry M said...

Do you have a non-UK brewery in mind already? :)

(reposted due to inexcusable typo)

Baron Orm said...

Sounds like an excellent idea, who's going to be first?

BeerReviewsAndy said...

Great idea! there's a few up this way that might take your fancy!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Brewdog would welcome your brewing expertise?

Ed said...

You're always welcome to dig out the mash tun at my work. My muay thai is much better than my MMA though.

ZakAvery said...

That's simultaneously an interesting and terrifying project, Stuart.

You should come and do a brew at the Smallbatch Brewery. It's in Leeds. Well, Rothwell actually. In fact, to be totally honest, it's the name I've given to my homebrew kit, so really it's an invite to come and brew in my kitchen.

Anonymous said...

"Come on in my kitchen" - cue Keb' Mo' channeling Robert Johnson …

Actually that DOES sound like a great idea … altho' what's your maximum production level, Zak?

ZakAvery said...

If I borrow a bigger mash tun, do a parti-gyle and fill both fermenters, we could produce as much as 50 litres of beer!

big col the brewer said...

I have a brand new 5 barrel brewery at the back of my pub already to go.
Why not brew the first batch here and help the pub trade as well as teaching me a thing or two
info@the volly.co.uk
Now there a challange
Accomodation no problem

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