Friday 2 April 2010

15. Shellfish Stout

Oysters and stout seem to have been happy bedfellows since stout first emerged in the 18th century. This association was as a beer and food partnership rather than a product and ingredient. It wasn’t until the 20th that breweries started to add oysters to beer.

As the 52 brews are about experiment and innovation I am taking the idea one step further and using cockles and mussels as well. I am hoping that the salts from the shellfish and shells will add sweeteness to the beer by increasing the concentration of chloride and possibly some iodine. I’m also trying to get some richness from the meat to increase the umami sensation on the palate.

The fantastic people at Rock Shellfish were kind enough to give me the shellfish fresh from their farm at the end of the road to the brewery. There was rather too much for the brew. The rest will be steaming in boiling gueuze, in my kitchen in about an hour’s time.

I added the three shellfish to the kettle and boiled them with the wort for 20 minutes. I shared the cooked meat that was left in the kettle with Kelvin, my man in the brewhouse. We agreed that even after 20 mins in the dark depths of the boiling wort they tasted excellent, if a little bitter from the hops.

Tech Spec

Malt: Pale Ale, Crystal, Chocolate, Roasted Barley, Black, Roasted Wheat

Hops: Northern Brewer, Perle, Bramling Cross, Progress, Challenger

Yeast: Old English Ale

O.G. 1070

Fermentation: Warm and open


Anonymous said...

Ah, a picture of Dublin's famous Tart with the Cart.

Do you not find actually boiling the gueuze increases the bitterness? Or is this not a problem with cooking with gueuze? (Confess that's one I've never cooked with …)

And as an aside - whatever hapened to thise people who used to come round pubs of a weekend evening with trays of cockles and whelks to sell?

Stuart Howe said...

Yes indeed, Ms Malone had a nice pair of clavicles!

I used Oud Beersel which isn't especially bitter or sour when compared to Cantillon. Something, maybe the oil and butter seems to mop up the bitter/sour notes of the gueuze leaving a nice vinous note in the cooking liquor.

I would guess that the advent of the gastro/theme/sports pub did for the fishmen. Shame, Jellied eels with vinegar and pepper are a much healthier option than a donner or cheeseburger.

Kieran Haslett-Moore said...

Three Boys do a very popular Oyster Stout here, the oysters go in for the entire boil and are aparently rubbery and inedible when they come out.

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