Saturday 25 September 2010

DW on the Cusp

Yesterday the flavour Panel met DW it all its finished glory for the first time. They had loved the “green” version from the cask a month ago but felt that the bottle conditioned beer was a step up in class. The beer is sweeter than I had intended but the bitterness from the moderately high hopping rate and the heat of the alcohol ensure that it is balanced and never cloys. It is a very powerful drink even for 9.5% and is both fresh and satisfying. Dave Wickett himself loved the prototype saying “ Just fantastic. Very similar, but better than Deus. A truly great beer”. That’s all the praise I think anyone needs.

I have an anxious wait for the routine micro results and if that is clear, the beer will be available for sale on 4th October.


BeerReviewsAndy said...

Can't wait!! the bottle looks great too!!

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