Monday 14 February 2011

Tell me how to win your heart, cos I haven't got a clue

Google stole my idea.

Brew one is in the 2nd FV and looks and smells good.

Brew 2 is now planned for 25th February. I am booked into Brew Warf with Phil Lowry and Steve Skinner (not that Steve Skinner). The beer will be a double IPA with at least 50 hop varieties. I'm hoping for 60 but time will tell. I am struggling for a name for it though!  


Fishter said...

Hopping Mad

Ghost Drinker said...

50!! ah you guys and your crazy plans. what about re-hopping-diculous? If you get some in bottles spread the word, the most veriatels I've ever had in a beer was 12 from He'Brew and that was fantastic. Would love to get my hands on some of this. You should do a beer with every hop variety next!

Unknown said...

Sharps 57 if you don't make 60

Adrian Tierney-Jones said...

Call it L

Unknown said...

I have had a good think about this and come up with KIT HILL full of variety!

Stuart Howe said...

Why "L" Mr Tierney-Jones?

I knew you'd find a way to get Kit Hill into it somehow Ian! I don't think that a beer should remind people of your nocturnal acivities.

Adrian Tierney-Jones said...

If you’re talking 50 hop varieties, L is the roman numeral — I thought you knew your Romans from your Spartans?

Stuart Howe said...

Oh right I see. I didn't spend as long at Eton as you Adrian. Hopefully it should be slighly more than L, maybe L.025.

Adrian Tierney-Jones said...

well if you have 53 you could be LIII and when you do 100 called it a C ad infinitum, now I have a beer tasting to undertake, I must be off.

BeerReviewsAndy said...

nice!! it's got a lot to live up to as the last 50hop was great!!

just dont let Phil go persuading you to put anything crazy like pomegranate in he seems to have a thing for that at the moment....

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