Thursday 11 August 2011

Panic on the streets of Bodmin

This mornin’ I woke up in a curfew. Not really but that lyric leads me nicely on to our subject for this post, the Rock riots. Our riots have been somewhat unreported and for the sake of Rock's reputation for up market holidays I will divulge very little. Suffice it to say the lady from the pasty shop was very put out and neither of the seagulls has been apprehended. I blame the parents.

As we approach the August bank holiday I am excited to have a few of my handmade creations appearing in the capital. At The Rake an 18 month old Abbey beer aged with Brettanomyces and a 3 year old spontaneousy refermented blonde. Both beers appear courtesy of St Roger of Ryman who is allowing me to join in his St Austell Brewery beer festival. I am particularly pleased with the blonde which is bone dry and beautifully lactic. It was made by fermenting a wort using Saccharomyces until fully attenuated and then left in an open vessel until a pellicle forms. The beer and the pellicle were then transferred to a wooden cask for 3 years of microbiological rioting and looting.

At the White Horse Parson’s Green two of my Belgian-themed beers are appearing at the Belgian Beer Festival. The 18 month old Abbey as previously described and cask 2010 Honey Spice Tripel which was tasting too good for words earlier today, if I do say so myself.

Further delight comes having DW and Monsieur Rock recommended ahead of wine as partners for food at  double Michelin starred Restaurant Nathan Outlaw. If I could blag my way to getting a table I’d go and check it out but I suspect they are booked up until 2020.   


Mark said...

That blonde sounds immense! Having fermented out with Saccharomyces, does the alcohol mean the chance of a mould taking ho(u?)ld is pretty slim? So you can just happily leave it open to the air and be confident that only the bacteria you want will get growin'?


Stuart Howe said...

Mark hi, Post fermentation there is zero possibility of mould spoilage only wild yeast lactic acid bacteria and other anaerobes, acetic acid bacteria and Zymomonas can impact on beer. Sealing the beer in the cask will halt any of these with the requirement for oxygen so it's predominantly lactics and a couple of the more acid tolerant wild yeasts. I hope you get to try some because what is going to the Rake is all there is.

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