Monday 11 April 2011

Technical Visit

Although slightly later than is traditional, Saturday has been set as the day for the annual production team technical outing. The technical outing is designed to give the team a technical insight into the operations of another organisation. As well as full environmental health and safety risk assessments, the day normally involves presentations on world class manufacturing, 5S, breakthrough performance benchmarking and flower arranging for beginners.

This year we are visiting Driftwood Spars Brewery, pub, hotel, restaurant and theme park in the breathtakingly beautiful St Agnes. The brewery is a small 5 barrel plant presided over by Pete “Fluffy” Carvers. The brewery produces beer for the pub and selected outlets across the UK. Pete’s Alfie’s Revenge which was brewed in honour of a stuffed squirrel (rather than being forced up its Gary Glitter) has recently been shortlisted for the Champion Winter Beer of Britain.

The first stage of the technical visits is for a minibus which can only be described as well-stocked to carry the team to their destination. Last year’s trip to Palmers started at 8am and after a 3 hour drive several of the team forgot what we were doing before we arrived. One brewer was cold during the tour so went to get his coat from the bus. He returned 20 minutes later having to failed to locate is coat, the car park, the bus and then the brewery.

This year’s trip is the first trip for some of the newer members of Sharp’s Brewing Team perhaps most notably Naked Ian. Naked Ian is a 20 stone rugby player of simian appearance who becomes a naturist when sufficiently hydrated. He also carries a photo album of him engaging in leisure activities that would make a Tory MP look like a monk, which he is prone to subject people to after a few drinks. Naked Ian is being encouraged to be on his worst behaviour.

The CD player in the minibus this year has been disabled to prevent a repeat of the universally unpopular gabber, industrial speedcore and death metal soundtrack to the last year’s trip.


Stuart Ross said...

sounds like fun........

Stuart Howe said...

You have clearly never met Naked Ian, Stuart. I'll bring him with me when I visit your new brewery later in the year!

Stuart Ross said...

looking forward to it!

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