Hopfen Weisse is a hoppy and strong German wheat beer (correct me if I am wrong please). I’m going to cheat on this one because I have run out of time this week and use the wort from today’s Gentle Jane (please see earlier post). To this wort I’m going to add more wheat malt and a plenty of hops. I’m going German and American for this beer with Hallertuaer Hersbrucker and cluster for aroma and Magnum for a bushy moustache and a dodgy Hawaiian shirt.
For yeast I am using some Gloria Estefan cropped from the cardamom wheat so there may also be some Hoegaarden yeast in there too. OG will be 1080 and I’m looking to ferment warm until dry and bitter so about 9% ABV. For those of you who blindly follow IBUs it will have about one hundred and twelvety.
If I remember correctly, this style of beer was has also been described as "ein crossover weisse". I may have the gender wrong, but the sentiment is there on the back of the Schneider-Brooklyner collaboration.
Thanks Zak, Maybe I am under emphasising the US contribution a touch. I think my take on the beer shows reasonable respect to the provenance. The beer looked promising today, I came in to find Gloria Estefan all over the brewhouse floor! I nearly slipped in her. (if only Sid James were still alive,
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