Wednesday 23 March 2011

Shimmering Bargain

Tired of carrying barrels around? Tired of seeing your staff standing around with a pressure washer? Fed up of barrels not being clean and sterile? Looking to speed up racking to free up time for the important things in life? Can’t afford a ££££Microdat washer? Then this stunning Gimson Cask Major, cask washer is just what you are looking for. The Cask Major is 5 station walking beam washer capable of washing up to 120 casks per hour. The stations are:

1. Bung finder and external wash

2. Gunge wash (reclaimed rinse water)

3. Detergent wash

4. Hot water rinse

5. Hot water / steam

Sharp’s used this machine from 2003 – 2009 . We have had it as a back-up washer since then. It is a great first automatic cask washer with pneumatics and a simple PLC controller. It is avialable now in as seen condition or for extra cost fully refurbushed. Details of a company to service and maintain the washer will be provided with purchase.

Any serious offer considered.


Andy said...
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BeerReviewsAndy said...

I knew all these other photos of you were fakes, that last one is the real you isn't it?

or have Molson coors been working you too hard?

Stuart Howe said...

We asked for a refund from the modelling agency Andy.

Beard Beer Blogger said...

Stuart, I got real scared when I saw a Miller product here in the states called Sharp's. For just a second I thought this low alchohol beer was from you,

Stuart Howe said...

Not guilty on that one Mr Blogger!

Andy Smith said...

So exactly how much does it cost? We could switch it on for just one hour a week and wash everything, which would be sweet!!

ZakAvery said...

Personally, I'd love to have my bung found and externally washed.

Stuart Howe said...

Andy hi,
We would want £10k for as is or £15k refurbished. For a new one you can add a 0 to that. If you’re washing that few casks you are better off with a manual washer. You’ll know when you’ll need one and by then there won’t be any available.

You can't beat a good bung locator Zak. Especially when you get a nice vigorous gunge wash after.

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